Time ooh Time

                            Tick - Tock Tick- Tock Tick- Tock the hands of a clock spin and click and spin and click again and again in a never ending circle. Each click each tick reminding us constantly that our time here on earth is just temporary that our timer is going down by the second minute hour day. It tells us that hey there a second of your time has gone that your timer which have been set for you on the very day you started to develop and become flesh and blood in your mum's womb is going down not up but down. It asks us whether we are using the time properly and efficiently or whether we are wasting the time. As soon as a man and a woman whether they make an intention to get a baby or it happens just by chance or "by a mistake", and you are released into the womb of your mother and be successful, your timer which has already been pre-set for you will not start from 00:00:00 no it won't but instead it will start from what share, what percentage of time has been allocated to you. Your time right from the womb of your mother starts to reduce reduce reduce and reduce. The big question is that, how what why when do we use our time efficiently. "Time is a commodity so precious so unique and so limitless but yet so limited in supply". We, the human race no matter our colour, tribe, religious affiliation are all in a quest for more time. We want more time to live to enjoy life to explore the limitless opportunities out there or do whatever we want to do with it. Scientists by the day time hour work round the clock finding ways and means to prolong our lifespan. I say, no matter what, no matter how, no matter where, our time shall catch up with us. It is just like buying a brand new car. You will try to service it as many times as you can but in time, the car will one day have its last and final spark. It's human nature to try and prevent the inevitable. We all want to live but no one wants to die. In truth, we all uncertain we are all afraid why? Because we do not know where all dead people go to. Who knows what condition they are in now? Some will say well they are at peace, others will say they are torment for atonement of their sins and others will say they have reincarnated into a new life to continue their temporary stay here on earth. But in all we should know that time is so unique and precious that we should always value our time and always respect it.  
hello will post again on saturday to talk at length on this issue been really busy of late but will surely get the final piece done and post it also. I really do appreciate all those who have taken a part of their time to read my first post. Thanks a lot. It really does mean a lot to me truly it does. Thank you once again. I will post the second part tomorrow which will talk about time more extensively and the bigger picture in play that we all seem to miss. Thanks once again and please do not forget to share and comment.


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